Aerona | Resources

The Ultimate Guide to Practice Management Software


Benefits of Cloud softwareVideo Overview  |   The 5 key features you need  |  Four key benefits of using an online portal for a healthcare clinic  |  How do patient portals improve patient engagement?  |  What is a Patient Portal?  |  What our customers are saying  |  Why digital signatures work for your clinic


The benefits of Cloud based software for your clinic

We are all now familiar with the term Cloud computing, or being on the Cloud, but many clinicians and business owners are often still not fully aware of what that actually means, or the real advantages that Cloud delivers for them. 

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How do patient portals improve patient engagement?

Patient Portals have become a feature of Practice Management Software in recent years, with many suppliers offering versions of them to their customers. Since 2020 and the impact of COVID on patient behaviour, a Patient Portal has become a core essential of any clinic’s offer to its patients. 

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Why digital signatures work for your clinic

Of all of the technological innovations in recent years, digital signatures can be one of the hardest to really understand. How can a scrawl on a e-pad or a computer generated signature replicate what we have come to understand as legally binding signatures? 

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Guide to engaging Your Patients Online

A Guide to engaging Your Patients Online

Online engagement is a must for your patients

Online engagement of customers is essential for any modern business to grow. For the clinical and dental sector this is even more of an issue. Once they have joined a practice, patients are not generally casual shoppers, but clients with whom we develop a relationship that will ideally last for years and grow to include entire families. 

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